Greetings, weary travelers.

Exciting relevant links:
* Buy Dionysus in Wisconsin on Amazon!
* Other places to buy it!
* Wow, the cover is cool! I need a T-shirt.
* Wow, the ’60s are cool! I need the official playlist.
* I love it and need to review it on Goodreads!
* Listen to me reading the first chapter!

Over at Ask a Medievalist, we did two podcast tie-in episodes in celebration:
* Dionysus and Drugs
* Bat Country

You can listen to them through the links above, but for the best experience, check them out in your podcast app of choice. Also, if you enjoy them, consider leaving us a review (especially on Apple Podcasts).

Cover of Old Time Religion by E H Lupton. Done in Greek red figure style, two men are standing side by side, one dressed as Dionysus supporting one shirtless in jeans, holding an athame.

Exciting relevant links:
* Buy the book!
* Wow, the cover is cool! I need a T-shirt.
* Official playlist.
* I love it and need to review it on Goodreads!
Ask a Medievalist tie-in episodes on the Mabinogion coming soon.