The story behind this is quite convoluted, so I won’t get into it here (plus it has enough weird details that it would probably be found by a judicious googler, and I don’t really want my comics found by my professional acquaintances). Suffice it to say, I’m busily reviewing my Hebrew. Or at least I got a book to help me do that.
Once I mentioned to one of my brothers that I haven’t gone into a job feeling like I was sure I could competently perform all the duties I was likely to be asked to perform during the course of a job since I worked in a supermarket as a cashier. I hated that job…but I miss the feeling.
This comic is classed under Z695.1.J48 L86 2011, for (deep breath):
Libraries–Library science. Information science–The collections. The books–Cataloging–By subject, A-Z–Jews and Judaism. Hebrew and Yiddish literature.
That wasn’t even that difficult to find.
Happy Mother’s Day, especially to those who are or who have mothers, or who had or were mothers at one time.
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