Some numbers that defined the year:
- Books read: 12
- Plays seen: 14 (this number includes musicals and operas)
- Pounds gained / lost: +27 / -42
- Miles run: 1,634.21 (because of the way I track my running, this also includes walking intentionally for exercise and elliptical use)
- Total mileage since I started tracking in 2012: 13,402.92*
- Yards swum: 46,500 (almost all after I was six months pregnant)
- Miles biked: 0
- Races started in 2017: 10
- DNFs / Finishes: 1 / 9
- Longest race: 10 miles (Black Hawk Ridge 16k, Oct 22, 2:02:41)
- Shortest race: 5k (Freeze for Food 5k, March 4, 29:15; Berbee Derby 5k, Nov 23, 29:39)
- Highest place in a race: 5th (Freeze for Food 5k)
- Worst place in a race: 19 of 19 (Black Hawk Ridge 16k)**
- Babies had: 1
- Comics drawn and published on blog: 9 (yeah, there were others that were sketched but left unfinished for various reasons)
- Concerts attended: 1 (Foo Fighters)
- Quilts completed: 1.75 (still putting the finishing touches on the second one)
* Table of running:
Year | Miles |
2017 | 1,634.21 |
2016 | 2,313.02 |
2015 | 2,388.25 |
2014 | 2,384.58 |
2013 | 2,163.86 |
2012 | 2,519 |
** This is actually a bit hard to calculate–is 19/19 worse than 25/28?

Numerical Goals for 2018:
- Running: 2,300 miles
- Races: at least 6 (currently I have completed one and am registered for one in May), with a sub-2 half marathon in the mix. Hopefully this would be the IAT half, but that’s a pretty tough course, and I don’t think I’ve ever run it that fast, so we’ll see.
- Books to read: 15
- Lifting: get the deadlift to 200 lbs, squat 185 lbs (with reasonable depth I guess), bench press over 100 lbs.
- Comics: 10
- Quilts: 1.25 (gotta finish the aforementioned one)
Bonus: I talked to this guy and he gave me a few of his resolutions!
- Laugh more, scream less.
- Grow some teeth. Not too many, maybe four or five.
- Figure out some mode of personal locomotion, such as walking or crawling.
- Spit up on people other than Mom.
Maybe the last one is just a pipe dream of mine.